惊悚 / QS


诸事皆宜百无禁忌txt HD 简中字幕 免费观看全集


  • 片名:诸事皆宜百无禁忌txt
  • 状态:17全集
  • 主演:李秉宪,朴叙俊,朴宝英,金善映,朴持厚,罗哲,金度允,南镇福,金学善
  • 导演:张开
  • 年份:2002
  • 集数:17
  • 地区:泰国
  • 语言:泰语
  • 字幕:简中字幕
  • 类型:惊悚 / QS
  • 评分:2.5
  • 版本:蓝光版
  • 资源:HD
  • 时长:95 分钟
  • 更新:2024-04-24 16:40


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Sewoon Shopping Center, the first to distribute pornographic tapes in Qingxichuan! That's where people's erotic stories begin. That year was 1996. Kyeong tae filmed an illegal video with pornographic actor Pan sub in the Sewoon shopping area of Qingxi Street. They met Joo ri who was about to work for an adult agency in Macau with a pornographic film. Kyeong tae and Pan sub are excited that they have the opportunity to win a large sum of money. Kyeong tae handed over a tape to Hyeong soo, who was the source and distributor of their goods, while Hyeong soo signed an agreement without her knowledge and used all the money she had previously saved to sign a contract. Moneylander Soboro discovered and raided the filming site, taking all of Kyeong tae's money and demanding that he pay the remaining amount within three days. As the deadline for the contract approached and three days approached, Qing Tai borrowed money from Hyeong soo, who gave him a Japanese version of a snuff movie and offered him a deal. He accepted without a doubt, but found himself fooled and decided to join the gang. Then he replaced the props and knives on the set with real ones...


原来,山姆不想出差骚扰假期,取而代之的是他的助理Dickson Lisa,她傲慢果断,而山姆逐渐对她刮目相看,却不敢向她坦白;丽莎的助手想私下获得代理权,并策划了一个阴谋,让本和丽莎在荒岛上无家可归。山姆得知两人失踪后,便出海去救他们。在Sam救出两人后,真相揭晓,Ben和Sam同时爱上了Lisa,最终Lisa选择了Sam。Ben认为这次旅行完全失败了,但公私分明的Sam将经纪公司交给了Ben进行分销

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