


  • 片名:所罗门
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:Ben Cross/Anouk Aimée/Vivica A. Fox
  • 导演:罗杰·扬
  • 年份:1997
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/传记
  • 时长:参考实播
  • 上映:1997-12-15
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-21 14:48
  • 豆瓣:7.2
  • 简介:David is now an old man and still the king of Israel. Among his sons were the ambitious Adonijah and the wise Solomon. These two young people are fierce competitors because they are both potential heirs to the throne, and only one can succeed. During a hunting expedition, Adoniya challenged his brother Solomon to participate in a chariot race. Although Solomon was brave, he still maintained some caution, but the fearless Adonia longed to win at all costs and lost control of the chariot. Solomon brought the severely injured Adonijah back to Jerusalem. On the way there, they met the charming Abishag, who, despite her youth, was proficient in the use of herbs. She actually succeeded in helping the prince. Adonijah fell in love with Abishag, but Bathsheba arranged some things to work for David, hoping that her youth, beauty and healing power could alleviate the pain of the old king. Several members of the influential clergy, as well as the respected army general Joab, who had served David faithfully for many years, supported Adonijah's claim to the throne - although David had not yet made any decision on a potential successor. Joab, who had experienced this battle, believed that Solomon was a indecisive and weak person, and under his leadership, the kingdom would soon fall apart. When Nathan the prophet discovered Adonijah's plot, he informed Bathsheba and Solomon, and they urged David to take immediate action. Therefore, preparations for the appointment of a future king of Israel were carried out both in the spring of Enroji, where Adonijah and his subordinates were stationed, and in Jerusalem. When the news of Solomon's coronation reached Enrod, Adonijah's festival parade had already gathered, and people were attracted by the delicious food and cheered for him. The people immediately recognized King David's will and flocked to Jerusalem in droves to welcome their future ruler Solomon. Adoniya left behind a few loyal followers. He realized that he had temporarily lost. He humbly entrusted his life to his brother. One condition for Adonijah to be forgiven is that he will always be loyal to his brother Solomon. The great King David has passed away, and his son Solomon has inherited his throne, becoming the legitimate ruler of Israel. Adonijah now made a request to Bathsheba: he wanted to marry Abishag. Solomon heard of this seemingly innocent wish and realized that it was a new strategy on behalf of his brother to regain the throne - Adonijah marrying the last woman to sleep with King David would greatly strengthen his political status. Solomon knew that if he wanted to ensure his power, he must take swift and decisive action. He executed his brother Adonijah and the latter's closest ally Joab. After this radical decision, Solomon withdrew and made sacrifices. In a dream, the Lord appears before him, allowing him to fulfill a wish, no matter what it is. Solomon only demanded wisdom - to become a good ruler and judge. War with Egypt is imminent. In order to arm his kingdom against the territorial ambitions of powerful neighboring countries, Solomon not only carried out several reforms, but also decided to marry Pharaoh's daughter. However, the Egyptian princess was not Solomon's only wife: over time, the king married many noble women from different countries for political and economic reasons. In this way, he maintained peace for his people and created great prosperity. By allowing these women to continue practicing their family customs and religious rituals in Jerusalem, he often clashed with clergy who believed that foreign religions endangered Israel's only covenant with God. When the king sat down to judge, the wisdom bestowed on Solomon by God became apparent. One day, two prostitutes each claimed to be the mother of the same child. Solomon's decision seemed very cruel: he said the child should be cut in half so that each woman could get half. Solomon can now determine from her reaction who the true mother is: she will not allow her children to be harmed. Solomon handed the child back to his true mother amidst the cheers of approval. One of the most important tasks handed down to Solomon by his father David was to build the temple and place the ark of the covenant. It must be larger and grander than all other temples in the world, and Solomon is now beginning to fulfill his father's wishes. He appointed Jeroboam as the governor, in charge of the workers in Israel. Seven years later, this work was completed. Expensive building materials are transported from distant lands, and the Israeli people have paid extremely high taxes without complaint in order to fund construction projects. Now, the Ark can finally be brought to the Temple in the triumphal procession. After so many years of wandering, the most sacred property of the Israelites now has their own fixed home. People flock to Jerusalem
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 网友收藏数据库 2022欧洲历史相关影片世界近代史影视资料片单|阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimée西方世界史PPS是个大口袋
David is now an old man and still the king of Israel. Among his sons were the ambitious Adonijah and the wise Solomon. These two young people are fierce competitors because they are both potential heirs to the throne, and only one can succeed. During a hunting expedition, Adoniya challenged his brother Solomon to participate in a chariot race. Although Solomon was brave, he still maintained some caution, but the fearless Adonia longed to win at all costs and lost control of the chariot. Solomon brought the severely injured Adonijah back to Jerusalem. On the way there, they met the charming Abishag, who, despite her youth, was proficient in the use of herbs. She actually succeeded in helping the prince. Adonijah fell in love with Abishag, but Bathsheba arranged some things to work for David, hoping that her youth, beauty and healing power could alleviate the pain of the old king. Several members of the influential clergy, as well as the respected army general Joab, who had served David faithfully for many years, supported Adonijah's claim to the throne - although David had not yet made any decision on a potential successor. Joab, who had experienced this battle, believed that Solomon was a indecisive and weak person, and under his leadership, the kingdom would soon fall apart. When Nathan the prophet discovered Adonijah's plot, he informed Bathsheba and Solomon, and they urged David to take immediate action. Therefore, preparations for the appointment of a future king of Israel were carried out both in the spring of Enroji, where Adonijah and his subordinates were stationed, and in Jerusalem. When the news of Solomon's coronation reached Enrod, Adonijah's festival parade had already gathered, and people were attracted by the delicious food and cheered for him. The people immediately recognized King David's will and flocked to Jerusalem in droves to welcome their future ruler Solomon. Adoniya left behind a few loyal followers. He realized that he had temporarily lost. He humbly entrusted his life to his brother. One condition for Adonijah to be forgiven is that he will always be loyal to his brother Solomon. The great King David has passed away, and his son Solomon has inherited his throne, becoming the legitimate ruler of Israel. Adonijah now made a request to Bathsheba: he wanted to marry Abishag. Solomon heard of this seemingly innocent wish and realized that it was a new strategy on behalf of his brother to regain the throne - Adonijah marrying the last woman to sleep with King David would greatly strengthen his political status. Solomon knew that if he wanted to ensure his power, he must take swift and decisive action. He executed his brother Adonijah and the latter's closest ally Joab. After this radical decision, Solomon withdrew and made sacrifices. In a dream, the Lord appears before him, allowing him to fulfill a wish, no matter what it is. Solomon only demanded wisdom - to become a good ruler and judge. War with Egypt is imminent. In order to arm his kingdom against the territorial ambitions of powerful neighboring countries, Solomon not only carried out several reforms, but also decided to marry Pharaoh's daughter. However, the Egyptian princess was not Solomon's only wife: over time, the king married many noble women from different countries for political and economic reasons. In this way, he maintained peace for his people and created great prosperity. By allowing these women to continue practicing their family customs and religious rituals in Jerusalem, he often clashed with clergy who believed that foreign religions endangered Israel's only covenant with God. When the king sat down to judge, the wisdom bestowed on Solomon by God became apparent. One day, two prostitutes each claimed to be the mother of the same child. Solomon's decision seemed very cruel: he said the child should be cut in half so that each woman could get half. Solomon can now determine from her reaction who the true mother is: she will not allow her children to be harmed. Solomon handed the child back to his true mother amidst the cheers of approval. One of the most important tasks handed down to Solomon by his father David was to build the temple and place the ark of the covenant. It must be larger and grander than all other temples in the world, and Solomon is now beginning to fulfill his father's wishes. He appointed Jeroboam as the governor, in charge of the workers in Israel. Seven years later, this work was completed. Expensive building materials are transported from distant lands, and the Israeli people have paid extremely high taxes without complaint in order to fund construction projects. Now, the Ark can finally be brought to the Temple in the triumphal procession. After so many years of wandering, the most sacred property of the Israelites now has their own fixed home. People flock to Jerusalem


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  • 落叶
    8.6喜剧 / 日本 / 山口胜平,本田贵子,水谷优子,岩田光央,梁田清之,飞田展男,高木涉,岩崎征实,加濑康之
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  • 潜行者
    8.8剧情 / 苏联 / 亚历山大·凯伊达诺夫斯基,阿丽萨·弗雷因德利赫,安纳托利·索洛尼岑,尼古拉·格林科,纳塔利娅·阿布拉莫娃,费米·约尔诺,E·科斯京,雷默·伦迪
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    8.2历史 / 中国大陆 / 李保田,许还山,辛明,黄宗洛