


  • 片名:外星恶客
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:Marshall Thompson/Shirley Patterson/Kim Spalding
  • 导演:Edward L. Cahn
  • 年份:1958
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:科幻/恐怖
  • 时长:69 分钟
  • 上映:1959-07-24
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-25 10:46
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 简介:In the science fiction monster films of the 1950s, this film was easily rated as the best. The most noteworthy thing is that ALIEN is an unauthorized remake film, so it has given it certain historical significance. This interesting plot is about rescuing the only exiled survivor (Colonel Carruthers) in an ill-fated Mars expedition. The authorities, as always, were foolish and mistakenly believed that he had murdered his fellow crew members, so that he would have more food to survive; Therefore, he was brought back to the earth to face a military court for murder. (There is also an interesting plot reversal here: most films of this nature usually begin with ships leaving the earth for destinations in another world, and in this case, the "story" is considered to have ended and begins with the characters taking off from another planet and returning to the earth). When the rescue ship left Mars, a hidden and ominous shadow appeared in the lower cabin. (This is a terrible and magnificent moment, realized through pure economy and simplicity). Karathers insisted to other kidnappers that he was innocent, claiming that his former crew was killed by a hostile and invisible existence on this desolate red planet, but there were three guesses about their response to his unusual plea. Naturally, he could not prove this. The space authorities in the 1950s were not very conscious of aliens. (As one side thinks, the "invisible threat" may remind you of the original "black witch"). When everyone left, an unfortunate supporting role whose name was at the bottom of the cast (guess what would happen to him?) heard the voice in the lower compartment. Despite your "futility"; Don't go down, you bastard" Please, he did it, and was properly killed by the shadow of insatiable blood desire in his heart. In the case of victims, dereliction of duty and pure cowardice are wise decisions. In fact, the play was well directed (changed) and generated a lot of suspense. The whole film did this unexpectedly. The crew finally realized that there was an unnecessary shipwrecker on the ship and did everything possible to eliminate it, but this unknown creature seemed to hold an anti-death attitude. Prove that you are a smarter and more valuable opponent. "IT!" is also hidden in the ship's ventilation shaft (the bell should ring now). Strauss-Kahn's strong command caused considerable tension, because the malicious stowaways moved up from one level of closed spaceship to the next level, and finally trapped the remaining characters on the top. The suspense of this film is straightforward and to the point:" It! " They must be killed or starved to death, so they must kill "; it" or die. There is nothing like those"; there are no two ways "; choice. If you want to know the result, you can rent it or check it through cable TV. For low budget fast, IT! It is impressive and unforgettable. The frightening claustrophobic nervous feeling makes the character fall into a helpless trap, which is very effective. This is a work with limited budget and small set, which is actually conducive to the horror atmosphere of the plot. Black& White photography (yes, it is one of them. (Modern color freaks seem to have never considered this point). This plot is also a bit ironic: if this creature is not hidden on the ship, Callas will probably be convicted of the charges against him. The clever script (see what I mean by "rare") was written by the famous science fiction writer Jerome Bixby (remember "this is a good life" in Twilight Zone)? This picture has been strictly edited to eliminate any unnecessary dross. (In the first hour of ALIEN, there is often a childish dialogue. Why should we take Ashe as a stupid and ultimately counterproductive sub-plot of a robot and drag the story further into another bad conspiracy cliche? No need!!!) Director Kahn cleverly removed the monster in rubber suit from the screen and hid it in the shadow throughout the process, Keep your paranoid imagination alert at all times. Unfortunately, maybe in the business position of the studio, it is a little too exposed at the climax, but I haven't claimed that it is a perfect masterpiece. Although these performances have not won awards, they are cool enough to make people pay close attention to their fate. In recent years, few films have achieved this goal. From here to forever, they will be overproduced, usually only successfully annoying. The story of this film is not completely original (what is?), because it is based on A.E. Van Vogt; The Voyage of Space Beagle" All ALIEN enthusiasts should find an old used copy and see where the first letter i is
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 网友收藏50年代科幻电影 I片单|黑尔曼《世界科幻电影史》科幻题材电影自译电影异形灵感来源
In the science fiction monster films of the 1950s, this film was easily rated as the best. The most noteworthy thing is that ALIEN is an unauthorized remake film, so it has given it certain historical significance. This interesting plot is about rescuing the only exiled survivor (Colonel Carruthers) in an ill-fated Mars expedition. The authorities, as always, were foolish and mistakenly believed that he had murdered his fellow crew members, so that he would have more food to survive; Therefore, he was brought back to the earth to face a military court for murder. (There is also an interesting plot reversal here: most films of this nature usually begin with ships leaving the earth for destinations in another world, and in this case, the "story" is considered to have ended and begins with the characters taking off from another planet and returning to the earth). When the rescue ship left Mars, a hidden and ominous shadow appeared in the lower cabin. (This is a terrible and magnificent moment, realized through pure economy and simplicity). Karathers insisted to other kidnappers that he was innocent, claiming that his former crew was killed by a hostile and invisible existence on this desolate red planet, but there were three guesses about their response to his unusual plea. Naturally, he could not prove this. The space authorities in the 1950s were not very conscious of aliens. (As one side thinks, the "invisible threat" may remind you of the original "black witch"). When everyone left, an unfortunate supporting role whose name was at the bottom of the cast (guess what would happen to him?) heard the voice in the lower compartment. Despite your "futility"; Don't go down, you bastard" Please, he did it, and was properly killed by the shadow of insatiable blood desire in his heart. In the case of victims, dereliction of duty and pure cowardice are wise decisions. In fact, the play was well directed (changed) and generated a lot of suspense. The whole film did this unexpectedly. The crew finally realized that there was an unnecessary shipwrecker on the ship and did everything possible to eliminate it, but this unknown creature seemed to hold an anti-death attitude. Prove that you are a smarter and more valuable opponent. "IT!" is also hidden in the ship's ventilation shaft (the bell should ring now). Strauss-Kahn's strong command caused considerable tension, because the malicious stowaways moved up from one level of closed spaceship to the next level, and finally trapped the remaining characters on the top. The suspense of this film is straightforward and to the point:" It! " They must be killed or starved to death, so they must kill "; it" or die. There is nothing like those"; there are no two ways "; choice. If you want to know the result, you can rent it or check it through cable TV. For low budget fast, IT! It is impressive and unforgettable. The frightening claustrophobic nervous feeling makes the character fall into a helpless trap, which is very effective. This is a work with limited budget and small set, which is actually conducive to the horror atmosphere of the plot. Black& White photography (yes, it is one of them. (Modern color freaks seem to have never considered this point). This plot is also a bit ironic: if this creature is not hidden on the ship, Callas will probably be convicted of the charges against him. The clever script (see what I mean by "rare") was written by the famous science fiction writer Jerome Bixby (remember "this is a good life" in Twilight Zone)? This picture has been strictly edited to eliminate any unnecessary dross. (In the first hour of ALIEN, there is often a childish dialogue. Why should we take Ashe as a stupid and ultimately counterproductive sub-plot of a robot and drag the story further into another bad conspiracy cliche? No need!!!) Director Kahn cleverly removed the monster in rubber suit from the screen and hid it in the shadow throughout the process, Keep your paranoid imagination alert at all times. Unfortunately, maybe in the business position of the studio, it is a little too exposed at the climax, but I haven't claimed that it is a perfect masterpiece. Although these performances have not won awards, they are cool enough to make people pay close attention to their fate. In recent years, few films have achieved this goal. From here to forever, they will be overproduced, usually only successfully annoying. The story of this film is not completely original (what is?), because it is based on A.E. Van Vogt; The Voyage of Space Beagle" All ALIEN enthusiasts should find an old used copy and see where the first letter i is



  • 邀请函
    4.9惊悚 / 美国 / 娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔,托马斯·多赫蒂,斯蒂芬妮·科内柳森,阿拉娜·博登,西恩·帕特维,休·斯金纳,维拉格·巴拉尼,考特尼·泰勒,卡塔·萨博
  • 屏住呼吸
    7.2惊悚 / 美国 / 史蒂芬·朗,简·利维,迪兰·明奈特,丹尼尔·祖瓦图,艾玛·博科维奇,弗兰西斯卡·托朗西斯科,克里斯蒂安·泽吉亚,卡提亚·波克,瑟吉·诺普科
  • 忌日快乐
    7.0悬疑 / 美国 / 杰西卡·罗德,伊瑟尔·布罗萨德,露比·莫迪恩,查尔斯·艾特肯,劳拉·克利夫顿,杰森·拜尔,罗布·梅洛,瑞秋·马休斯,拉姆齐·安德森
  • 男孩
    5.8剧情 / 美国 / 大卫·摩斯,贾里德·布雷兹,雷恩·威尔森,比尔·萨奇,迈克·沃格尔,祖雷克哈·罗宾逊,艾登·洛夫坎普
  • 爆炸
    6.0喜剧 / 美国 / 凯瑟琳·兰福德,查理·普拉默,依冯娜·奥吉,海莉·洛,派珀·佩拉博,罗布·许贝尔,Chris Shields,Marlowe Percival,Laine MacNeil
  • 解药
    5.9惊悚 / 美国 / 路易·曼迪勒,艾什琳恩·叶尼,Yorgos Karamihos,Scott Alin,Olive Bernadette Hoffman,奥吉·杜克,Evan Faunce,Ken Del Conte,萨迪·迪亚洛
  • 怒火
    恐怖 / 美国 /
  • 断魂小丑
    5.7惊悚 / 美国 / 珍娜·凯内尔,萨曼莎·斯卡菲迪,戴维·霍华德·桑顿,凯瑟琳·科科兰,Pooya Mohseni,Matt McAllister,Michael Leavy,凯蒂·马奎尔,吉诺·卡法雷利
  • 寂静之地2
    6.4科幻 / 美国 / 艾米莉·布朗特,基里安·墨菲,米利森特·西蒙兹,诺亚·尤佩,约翰·卡拉辛斯基,杰曼·翰苏,奥基里特·奥诺多瓦,斯科特·麦克纳里,扎卡里·戈林格
  • 招魂
    8.0悬疑 / 美国 / 维拉·法米加,帕特里克·威尔森,莉莉·泰勒,朗·里维斯顿,珊莉·卡斯韦尔,哈蕾·麦克法兰,乔伊·金,麦肯吉·弗依,凯拉·迪弗
  • 10天的爱人
    6.3爱情 / 韩国 / 宋玟京
  • 内战
    6.8剧情 / 英国,美国 / 克斯汀·邓斯特,瓦格纳·马拉,斯蒂芬·亨德森,卡莉·史派妮,水野索诺娅,尼克·奥弗曼,杰西·普莱蒙,杰佛逊·怀特,卡尔·格洛斯曼
  • 刀锋战士3
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